Container Collection Agreement


Container Management Services LLC (CMS) is an empty container reconditioner that operates in a responsible manner to protect its people, its customers and the communities we serve. This document explains the responsibilities for CMS and the Container Emptiers to protect all parties.

CMS only accepts Empty Containers that meet our Container Acceptance Policy (

Containers Must Be Empty
CMS only accept containers that are empty. We understand that some minor residue of the container’s prior contents will remain after normal emptying.

Our definition of EMPTY is:

A non-bulk container is EMPTY when all pourable unused product or material no longer pours when the container is inverted at any orientation. An empty container has no material remaining in or on the container that can feasibly be removed by physical methods which are commonly employed to remove such materials (i.e. pumping, vacuuming, tilting, tipping, pouring, troweling). The interior of the container shall not contain crusted or mass of solidified material. For IBCs, no material should flow if the valve is open and residue is no more than 0.3% by weight of the total capacity of the bulk container, less than 1 gallon. Different types of products require different techniques to empty (for example, solvents vs. resins).
If we can pour or trowel it, you can pour or trowel it

In addition, all labels must remain in place and all closures must be secure. This include containers that have been triple rinsed.


1. To pick up and transport to a CMS facility, (or accept prepaid delivery from your trucks or common carriers) your used empty containers.

2. To hereby certify that drums will be either reconditioned for reuse as shipping containers, or processed for scrap preparation and recycling. In both cases (reconditioning or scrap preparation) we will remove all labels, printing, decorations or other identifying marks.

3. To allow at any time - after reasonable notice - an inspection of our plant facilities to verify compliance with all existing legal and regulatory environmental requirements.

4. Pick up items as scheduled with our Client Services Center.


1. To prepare all containers for shipment in accordance with the CMS Empty Container Acceptance Policy located on our website as well as any other regulatory requirements.

2. To deliver containers to the tailgate of CMS trailers (or deliver prepaid to CMS) or to load empty containers into a drop trailer provided by CMS with all containers in the upright position.

3. To pay for used, empty containers as established by our Client Service Center or a CMS Account Manager.

4. To pick up and remove from our plant, at Container Emptier’s expense, any non-conforming container that contains excessive residue of valuable product which was shipped to us in error by the Emptier within 5 business days.

5. To pay any trailer cleaning fees for residues or spill of products in our trailers

6. To pay, in the event of any default of any payment obligation in relation to this Agreement, all collection expenses incurred, including reasonable attorney fees & costs.


I understand and agree to abide by the terms of this Container Collection Agreement:

Company Name:

Leave this empty:

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Signature Certificate
Document name: Container Collection Agreement
lock iconUnique Document ID: b0ce0464b4bcbc2a352ace06f25b81ac8f464112
Timestamp Audit
July 23, 2018 4:29 pm PDTContainer Collection Agreement Uploaded by CMS ERS - IP